Cauliflower Fried Rice
Great for all Phases
simple to prepare
- 2 c. grated cauliflower,
- 1 bunch of scallions,
- mushrooms (any kind),
- 2-3 whole eggs, (only for dinner)
- 2 tbsp. soy sauce (lite),
- sprinkle with ginger powder,
- 1 tbsp. olive oil
- 1-2 tsp. minced garlic
Step 1. Sauté garlic in olive oil until golden brown.
Step 2. Add cauliflower and sauté for another 5 minutes.
Ste[ 3. Add mushrooms, scallions, soy sauce together.
Step 4. Push everything to the side of the pan.
Step 5. Scramble 2-3 eggs in a bowl then put on the other side of pan.
Step 6. Mix everything together.