Stevia and Truvia are both sweeteners but they are NOT the same. When possible we would rather you select Stevia.
Stevia is a plant. The leaves and the extract of the leaves and the purified steviosides are used as sweeteners. One of the primary qualities of Stevia is that it DOES NOT induce a glycemic response when ingested, making them attr active as natural sweeteners to diabetics and others on carbohydrate-controlled diets. Stevia also lowers fat storage and is even capable of lowering bad cholesterol called LDL. It is in fact a good idea to replace natural white sugar with Stevia or Truvia for that matter.
Truvia is a sugar substitute and it is processed with extract of Stevia. One of its chief ingredients is Erythritol, a sugar alcohol. Other common sugar alcohol sweeteners are sorbitol and xylitol. Erythritol has zero caloric in content and does not affect blood sugar. Truvia is not harmful and does not cause tooth decay.
You should reduce the intake of carbohydrates if you really want to combat diabetes. Therefore, too much of Truvia is not recommended as a substitute for white sugar for people that suffer from diabetes