5 Ways To Get Your Weight Loss MOJO Back
Make this Happy New Year the Happy YOU Year!
It’s 2017, the year to “Change your thinking to change your life.” Whether your weight loss efforts have simply stalled or you lost your mojo -it really doesn’t matter. A new way of thinking can get you back on track and more motivated than ever. The coaches at BodyTech offer you five mind-altering ways to retrain your brain for a brighter and better new year.
1. Stop Fearing a Walk of Shame
The only thing that is ever a shame is not taking care of yourself. In other, words, not doing what you know you SHOULD be doing. This year show yourself real and lasting love by trucking back over to BodyTech for a restart or a dose of motivation. We’re here for you, ready with a warm welcome and a whole lot of non-judgmental support.
2. Give Up the Self-Blame Game
NO ONE ever wins at the self-blame game. At BodyTech, we never look backward. Stop beating yourself up. Start thinking about what you can and should change in order to make real effort to lose weight. For things to change you have to change.
3. Remember, Haters Never Gonna Lose
Hate will get you nowhere except feeling down and unhappy. Instead, try a large dose of self-love. Think of all the reasons why you are worthy of improved health and happiness. Stop viewing weight loss as a sacrifice, it’s really a gift. You’re worth it.
4. Eliminate the Negative, Accentuate the Positive
If negativity is the master attractor of doom and gloom, then why even go there? Try being positive. You will be surprised what a “glass half full” attitude does for your outlook, motivation and overall happiness. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
5. Simply Image How Great You’ll Look and Feel
Imagine how you’ll look and feel if you lost 5-10-20-40 pounds. Can you see it? Looks good, doesn’t it? Bet it feels great too. Clients all want to lose weight but they really want to feel good about themselves. What are you waiting for, get started!
Now, take a moment and really think about all the benefits you’ll experience from eating healthy and losing weight. Forget waiting for the “perfect” day to start. Just start. We are waiting to welcome you back with all the supportive, non-judgmental guidance, and positivity you need to achieve your best in 2017!
BodyTech – Good Vibes ONLY