Sugar By Any Other Name is Still Sugar

This week we received several questions about SUGAR. Just because the label says 0 Sugars doesn’t mean it really has NO SUGAR.  Read the ingredients. Below is a partial list of the other names for SUGAR.

Cane juice crystals ŸCaramel ŸCorn syrup / solids ŸCarob syrup ŸDextranŸ Dextrose Ÿ Diastatic malt ŸDiatase ŸEthyl maltol Ÿ Fructose Ÿ Fruit juice / Concentrate

GalactoseŸ Glucose Ÿ Glucose solids Ÿ Golden syrup Ÿ High-fructose corn syrup Ÿ Honey Ÿ Lactose Ÿ Maltodextrin Ÿ Maltose Ÿ Maltsyrup Ÿ Maple syrup Ÿ MolassesPanocha Ÿ Rice syrup Ÿ Sorbitol Ÿ Sorghum syrup Ÿ Sucrose

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11609 Nebel St., Rockville, MD 20852

Sugar By Any Other Name is Still Sugar

This week we received several questions about SUGAR. Just because the label says 0 Sugars doesn’t mean it really has NO SUGAR.  Read the ingredients. Below is a partial list of the other names for SUGAR.

Cane juice crystals ŸCaramel ŸCorn syrup / solids ŸCarob syrup ŸDextranŸ Dextrose Ÿ Diastatic malt ŸDiatase ŸEthyl maltol Ÿ Fructose Ÿ Fruit juice / Concentrate

GalactoseŸ Glucose Ÿ Glucose solids Ÿ Golden syrup Ÿ High-fructose corn syrup Ÿ Honey Ÿ Lactose Ÿ Maltodextrin Ÿ Maltose Ÿ Maltsyrup Ÿ Maple syrup Ÿ MolassesPanocha Ÿ Rice syrup Ÿ Sorbitol Ÿ Sorghum syrup Ÿ Sucrose

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