Unfiltered Truths About Apple Cider Vinegar
AMAZING FACTS: Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar just might be magical!
Ever wonder why there’s so much buzz about apple cider vinegar? Is it just hype or is there actually legit science behind all the positive press?
Wonder no more. Here’s the skinny about apple cider vinegar.
Recent studies published in a well-respected scientific journal called Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, reported that when a group of participants consumed a daily dose of apple cider vinegar over a 12-week period, they lost more weight than a control group who were given a placebo instead. Of those who lost weight consuming apple cider vinegar, researchers found that they lost both body fat and slimmed their midsection. Interesting. Now, why might this be? According to scientific studies, acidic foods have been found to increase the rate at which the body burns carbs by as much as 40 percent. Consequently, the faster carbs burn off, the sooner your body starts to burn fat.
Apple cider vinegar, which is composed mostly of acetic acid, has been shown to delay gastric emptying and slow the release of sugars into the bloodstream. It is widely known, that a slow release of sugars into the blood is far more desirable because elevated levels of sugar in the blood can promote weight gain and body fat.