Lois Kramer
Health Coach
Perhaps Lois could be best summed up as the girlfriend’s girlfriend. You know…the girl you can always count on for a night at the movies, the pal you can share a glass of wine with over discussions about the kids, the BFF who’s willing to drive your kids to soccer when your husband is gone on yet another golf trip “for business”. (Fuhgeddaboutdit.) Just know she’ll do you a solid when it comes to support and weight loss.
Lois is the voice of reason, your sounding board, the one who will calmly tell you that you may want to purchase smaller clothing. You know, the sensible one. Her years of experience juggling a successful career, three boys and a husband show. Let’s just say she’s got chops.
A finance degree by education and HR expert by trade, she is one amazing BodyTech health coach by craft. It’s easy for Lois to get your number and keep you accountable. Her direct shooter style is one all-important reason why you’ll get to your target weight in no time. Heck, everyone should have a Lois in their lives. Respect.
One to always seek out the smartest ways to improve her body weight and health, Lois knows firsthand that BodyTech has got something special to offer. That’s why, years ago, she signed on as the company’s very first health coach. Since that time she’s been providing guidance and inspiration to clients looking to lose anywhere from 10 to 100, or more pounds. To sum it all up, we’re sure you’ll find her to be your new and amazing source of strength, direction and motivation—Now, who couldn’t use that!
A word of caution when dealing with Lois. While she may share many things, her dill pickle zipper snacks are not one. DON’T EVEN ASK!