It’s Not About Being Skinny

It’s about being happy. It’s about feeling good about yourself. Wearing clothes that you actually like and not just ones that fit. Not hiding or shying away from the camera, or grabbing a child in front of you because you don’t like how you look, or not wanting to go on vacation because it may mean wearing a bathing suit. It’s about lifestyle issues and gaining confidence or rediscovering the true you.

Ultimately, your goal does not have to be perfection. After all, there is no “perfect” size or weight—there’s only being the best you that you can be. That’s why at BodyTech, we believe your goal should be to maintain a healthy weight so you can live life to the fullest.

Happiness and Confidence—the Ultimate Motivators

When you are moving in the right direction or doing what you know you should be doing, you can’t help but feel good about yourself. And when it comes down to it, nothing makes a goal easier to achieve than feeling confident over the journey. And while we won’t say losing weight is easy, we can definitely tell you that with the support of the wonderful coaches here at BodyTech, as well as past and present program participants, you’re never alone in your quest.

When times get hard, and they very well may, our coaches are there for you every step of the way. You may hear comments from people you’d never expect, including your close friends, family, or colleagues, telling you things like:

  • “Don’t waste your time with another diet. You’ll just go off it anyway and regain all the weight you lost”, or “I know someone who went on that diet and they put all the pounds back on”.
  • “You think it’ll work? After all, you have no reason to think you’ll succeed based on all the other diets.”
  • “Go on, have just a little. It’s so good! A tiny serving won’t ruin your diet.”
  • “You’re not allowed to eat fruit? That’s odd. It’s not very healthy either. Fruit is good for you. It’s not right to ban fruits, especially since they don’t make you gain weight.”
  • “I talked with so-and-so who went on the diet you’re on and I read it in magazines: your diet is harmful to your health.”
  • “You should stop losing weight. You look fine the way you are.”

Often these people mean well, and think they are trying to help, but remember—these are YOUR goals, and no one can take them away from you. At BodyTech, we want nothing more than to see you succeed—and blow all the doubters away!

If you’re ready to make a change in your life, call BodyTech today to attend a free information session.  We’ll show you how you can take control of your weight and live a happier, healthier life.


11609 Nebel St., Rockville, MD 20852

It’s Not About Being Skinny

It’s about being happy. It’s about feeling good about yourself. Wearing clothes that you actually like and not just ones that fit. Not hiding or shying away from the camera, or grabbing a child in front of you because you don’t like how you look, or not wanting to go on vacation because it may mean wearing a bathing suit. It’s about lifestyle issues and gaining confidence or rediscovering the true you.

Ultimately, your goal does not have to be perfection. After all, there is no “perfect” size or weight—there’s only being the best you that you can be. That’s why at BodyTech, we believe your goal should be to maintain a healthy weight so you can live life to the fullest.

Happiness and Confidence—the Ultimate Motivators

When you are moving in the right direction or doing what you know you should be doing, you can’t help but feel good about yourself. And when it comes down to it, nothing makes a goal easier to achieve than feeling confident over the journey. And while we won’t say losing weight is easy, we can definitely tell you that with the support of the wonderful coaches here at BodyTech, as well as past and present program participants, you’re never alone in your quest.

When times get hard, and they very well may, our coaches are there for you every step of the way. You may hear comments from people you’d never expect, including your close friends, family, or colleagues, telling you things like:

Often these people mean well, and think they are trying to help, but remember—these are YOUR goals, and no one can take them away from you. At BodyTech, we want nothing more than to see you succeed—and blow all the doubters away!

If you’re ready to make a change in your life, call BodyTech today to attend a free information session.  We’ll show you how you can take control of your weight and live a happier, healthier life.